Invitation to join a network riding-event for the international day of disabled people
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INCLUDIAMOCI: Un salto oltre i pregiudizi! 09 Marzo 2025 |
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“INCLUDIAMOCI“– SUGGESTIONS IN ENGLISH : “INCLUDIAMOCI “ - like the original in Italian -“ ONE “ ; “ TOGETHER “ , “ HORSING “….
Messrs Visitatore
First of all…. Ciao dall’Italia!With this letter we want to invite you to join an initiative on inclusion through the horse
“INCLUDIAMOCI “– In the meaning of “ LET’S MAKE PART OF IT” refers to an equestrian event that was born in Italy but would like to kindly invite and involve Equestrian Centers from all over the world as we are getting closer to 03th December 2018, INTERNATIONAL DAYOF THE DISABLED AND SOCIAL INCLUSION.
Next autumn we are launching a new initiative which aims to match several aspects of the horse world with the subject-matter of the inclusion of the most socially disadvantaged people, not only in the equestrian context, but also in the entire aspects of the daily life.
Several Horse Riding Centers ,related institutions in Italy and abroad which are sensitive to the argument mentioned above , once willing to join our initiative will be more than welcome to contact ON LINE our national coordination EQUITABILE® in order to organize a series of local “Open Days” - independently and totally self-managed -towards the approach to the horse as well as the inclusion of the greatest number of stakeholders with particular attention to the most vulnerable in our society (individuals affected by disabilities, impairments , subjected to any kind of prejudice or risk of marginalization in general).
Unlike the previous editions of EQUI-BLU for the World Autism Day, which we were used to carry out in the past few years over a period of 1 or 2 days, “ INCLUDIAMOCI” covers a wider range of time , or from 8 September until 3 December 2018 (International Day of Disabled Persons and Social Inclusion itself ), allowing the various participant organizations to be able to prepare their own initiatives according to their most convenient dates.
At this first stage of the project and considering the Northern countries, we also have the advantage of free choice as for the mildest period of the year ( Autumn ) where the registrations are usually reopened to the new sporting year and new potentials are approaching the discipline.
Once aware of possible and presumed rivalries that may emerge among different equestrian associations, we would like to reinforce that actually the intent of this apolitical network event is to represent a ” Free Zone” in order to support the message that the different equestrian areas can collaborate and interact as co-workers, being friendly towards the principle that the acceptance of the diversity is a source of growth for all!
The participation and subscription to “ INCLUDIAMOCI “ is for free and open to anyone who believes in our idea and project!
Our main goal is to work together in order to raise awareness of the national and global communities as for the daily challenges of individuals characterized by disabilities in general and how the interaction with the horse in an informal context (Sport, leisure, traditional therapies and others), can lead to a state of well-being and mediate the social inclusion of the most fragile.
So this goal can be achieved, a series of initiatives of different duration can be prepared as per the Institution/Center individual choice and agenda: from an hour up to a half day - as a simple snack/lunch or dinner in the premises, a simple moment of leisure, introduction to the stable/center/ horses in the stable OR an entire day /weekend - including more structured actions, such as activities with direct approach to the horse ( grooming sessions ) , specific performances ( dressage, vaulting , jumping ), open auditions about the theme of “ INCLUDIAMOCI “, informal contests , carriage riding , trekking among the members of the horse riding center/school ....
At last, anything that may suit the opportunity to bring the horse closer to different realities and create new friendships!
A simple commitment that we would like to ask all to respect is not to expose riding beginners (first time riders, with or without any disability ) in order to avoid embarrassing situations or any exclusion feeling, what would go completely against our main proposal, the social inclusion.
Additionally, we would highly recommend special attention to diseases for which horseback riding is counter indicated as well as refraining from “ involuntarily” cause any stress to individuals who might have unexpected e/or insurmountable emotional reactions once facing a new reality for them.
The meaning of these rules is to support the desire to create acceptance of all and facilitate the participation of anyone in a healthy equestrian environment, avoiding to promote situations that can create any sort of discomfort.
At a second stage of our project (around 1 -3th December 2018 ), we would like to invite all the participating Centers / Institutions of “INCLUDIAMOCI” to stipulate another date to meet up, this time closer to December 3, 2018, International Day for People with Disabilities and Social Inclusion, even without the physical presence of horses as the winter in the Northern countries could make it inappropriate for the teams that do not have covered facilities or are not willing to cause any discommodity to their guests with the cold weather.
At this fact we would like to suggest a moment of friendship with a breakfast, lunch or dinner, a coffee time/ get together, a small essay, an informal meeting, a photo exhibition, a simple party in the clubhouse ...
This last moment would be a “final touch” to the efforts regarding all the independent initiatives but mainly would keep the doors open in the future for data and an important information exchange through network among all the participants.
In the end, this means that regardless the autonomy of any possible initiative taken, we will be able to go a bit more beyond the differences and collaborate in breaking down prejudices starting from the different areas related to equestrian activities to merge into a wider scope of the society.
If you make part of an Equestrian Center /Association/Institution and is interested in participating of “INCLUDIAMOCI “with your own initiative, the first step is to fill in a simple form (attached in word file) in order to share with us your intention to join our project.
This form will be free to be modified at any timeby the participant to integrate new ideas and proposals to be implemented in your structure.
Once completed the subscription confirming the adhesion of your team, you will receive further communications as the event approaches. Additionally you will receive an invitation in order to start the interaction with the other participants and to share ideas and suggestions towards the development of a new and rich network!
Thank you for your attention so far !
With best regards…
Roberto Lambruschi Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. |
Per informazioni generali: – Roberto Lambruschi 339/3783994 Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. EQUITABILE® C/o: A.S.D. Incontro a Cavallo, via Po, s.n.c. – 20063 Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI) Informativa Privacy Regolamento Generale di Protezione dei Dati RGDP (UE 2016/679) |
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